Prioritize Brain Health in 2021 with Wild Blueberries
Happy New Year from all of us at the Wild Blueberry Association of North America! As many of you tackle the first few weeks of 2021, you may have big expectations about what this year will hold and the goals you’ll achieve. Whether that’s working towards new career goals, getting back to your healthiest self, or simply putting self-care in front of everything else – we’re here for it – but we’d also like for you to consider one more very, very important resolution: prioritizing brain health and mental health by incorporating Wild Blueberries into your daily diet. Here’s why…

Wild Blueberries are good for brains of all ages. Research shows that they can help:
- Boost brain health in kids: Research found significant positive effects on memory, decision-making, response times, concentration, and mood when children consumed a Wild Blueberry beverage before testing. Give your kiddos the good stuff (a.k.a. Wild Blueberries) first thing in the morning to ensure their brain health is boosted all day long!
- Slow brain aging: A large population study demonstrated that higher intake of anthocyanins (the purply, blue pigments found in Wild Blueberries) is associated with a slower age-related decline in cognitive performance. It’s never too late to put your brain first, and picking Wild Blueberries is a great place to start!
- Improve memory in older adults: Studies indicate daily Wild Blueberry supplementation for elderly adults experiencing cognitive impairment can enhance neural response in certain areas of the brain. Help your brain (and memory) out by incorporating Wild Blueberries into your diet.
- Help you get more out of your exercise routine: Research suggests regular exercise leads to better brain health. Wild Blueberries support enhanced fat burning when combined with exercise. So, whether it’s running, yoga, high-intensity interval training, or whatever exercise routine strikes your fancy, supplement with Wild blues to help give your body that extra burn!
- Reduce bodily inflammation: Daily consumption of Wild Blueberries may decrease inflammation implicated in chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, which can impact cognitive health. Check out our blog post with author and nutritionist, Carolyn Williams, PhD, RD, to learn more about inflammation and how Wild Blueberries can help address it.
- Further reduce the risk of chronic disease: Wild Blueberries and the anthocyanins they contain, have documented health benefits against chronic diseases, further supporting the berries’ effects on brain health. With more than 40% of the country suffering from chronic diseases, doing whatever you can to stay as healthy is important–Wild Blueberries are a great addition to a health-focused diet.
“The scientific community is learning more every day about the important connections between brain health, mental health, mood, and food – but if you want to do something right now to help maximize your brain health, focus on your food. Our brains function best when they get the right fuel—and that fuel comes from eating a healthy diet filled with nutrient-packed foods like fruits and vegetables. When you’re thinking about new healthy habits for the new year, consider adding a daily scoop of Wild Blueberries to your diet. Your brain—and the rest of your body—will thank you!”
– Kit Broihier, MS, RD, LD, Nutrition Advisor for the Wild Blueberry Association of North America.
Want to learn more about Wild Blueberries and their connection to brain health? Visit our website today. Happy 2021!
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