Be on trend with Wild There are two kinds of Blueberries.

Wild Blueberries are the low-bush variety. Tiny & potent.
- They’re a native plant that has grown wild in Maine and Eastern Canada for over 10,000 years.
- It is recognized as the blueberry ingredient with more intense flavor, more antioxidant capacity and superior performance across a variety of applications.
- Truly wild and sought after by today’s real food consumers.
Cultivated blueberries are the high-bush variety. Larger in size.
- This hybridized variety is now planted and grown all over the world.
- Originally bred for fresh fruit commercial traits like uniform size, color and yield a little over 100 years ago.
- By only propagating a narrow handful of select varieties, the cultivated blueberries can’t match the naturally occurring flavor complexity that chefs and product developers get from genetically diverse Wild Blueberries.

Don’t take our word for it, see what food influencers and consumer research is saying about Wild Blueberries and the “Real Food” movement.

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