Ten American Chefs + Three Summer Days in Maine + The Power of Wild
When you want someone to fall in love, you don’t send them an email offering “a great deal on a relationship.” You grab ‘em by the hand, take them someplace truly special, and immerse each and every one of their five senses–taste, touch, sight, smell, sound—in an extraordinary moment in time. That’s exactly what happened last summer, when 10 remarkable chefs from across America dropped what they were doing and travelled to Maine for a chance at falling in love with wild food.
The Wild Blueberry Association of North America hosted this first-ever “Eating on the Wild Side” chef event. The 3-day excursion was based in culinary hotspot Portland, Maine, and included a chance to rake Wild Blueberries on a hilltop barren, haul in lobster traps on Casco Bay, and savor a ton of local wild foods.

Watch the inspiring video that captures this Wild immersion and hear what these culinary leaders have to say about the relevance of Wild and the real food movement. Check out the Wild Chef Challenge as these culinary innovators bring nature’s bounty back to the kitchen, flex their culinary muscles and pay homage to the tiny “star berries” that have been growing Wild in Maine, Eastern Canada and Quebec for over 10,000 years.

To learn more about the Power of Wild check out the latest consumer preference research that demonstrates how a Wild Superfruit ingredient can positively impact purchase intent, price premiums, taste, health and sustainability in today’s most successful “Real Foods” products. Get insights into the value of adding Wild Blueberries vs. regular blueberries to help elevate your menu and enhance your brand.
The research delves into 16 foodservice and packaged goods categories and shows the power of using Wild Blueberries and calling it out on packaging and menus.
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To find out more about this research and how Wild Blueberries can help you better connect with today’s real food consumers, check out the food category relevant to your business at wildblueberries.com/eatwild. The latest research categories include baby food, beef jerky, snack bars, granola, restaurant entrees, breakfasts, desserts and more.
Just click on your category and view the research highlights or download the entire Power of Wild report to get the full story.