#WildYourSmoothie Twitter Chat
Join us Wednesday February 17th at 1pm EST for a Twitter Chat featuring Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, RYT

Peanut butter and jelly – they just go together. Right? Well now there’s another amazing combination that pairs perfectly — frozen Wild Blueberries and smoothies. Frozen fresh at harvest, these tiny little berries provide the perfect (healthy and flavorful) punch for all your smoothie making needs. Once you try wild, you won’t ever go back, we promise!

To help spread the word about the power of these tiny, potent, wild little berries, the Wild Blueberry Association of North America has partnered with Registered Dietitian Kara Lydon and the voice behind the healthy food blog — The Foodie Dietitian – and she’ll be co-hosting our upcoming Twitter chat. Recently, Kara has shared some of her favorite Wild Blueberry smoothie recipes. According to Kara, smoothies are a great way to incorporate Wild Blues into a meal or snack and up your antioxidant and fiber intake.

Please join us (@wildbberries) and healthy food blogger Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, RYT (@karalydonRD) for a LIVE 60-minute Twitter chat on Wednesday, February 17th at 1pm EST, to talk about this amazing little super fruit, its health advantages and how you can incorporate them into your diet. And if you’re a food blogger you’ll learn about our #WildYourSmoothie Recipe Contest and how you can win an amazing trip to the Wild Blueberry barrens of Maine this summer + $1,000.

In this LIVE 60-minute Twitter chat we’ll discuss:
- Tips on how to build the perfect smoothie
- What makes Wild Blueberries such a powerful superfood and perfect smoothie ingredient
- Why registered dietitians LOVE Wild Blueberries
- What fuels Kara’s love of Wild Blueberries
- #WildYourSmoothie recipe contest
If you want to learn more about Kara Lydon, Wild Blueberries, our #WildYourSmoothie Recipe Contest or explore some yummy Wild Blueberry smoothie recipes, check out:
- Kara Lydon’s Blog
- Wild Blueberry Smoothie Recipes
- Wild Your Smoothie Recipe Contest
- Wild Blueberries of North America
And, if you have a question you’d like to ask Wild Blueberries or Kara, ask us at any time before, during or after the chat – just be sure to include #WildYourSmoothie in your tweet!
Here’s how the Twitter Chat Works:
- Follow us (@wildbberries) and Kara (@karalydonRD)
Follow along with #WildYourSmoothie
- Include #WildYourSmoothie in all of your tweets – we don’t want to miss anything you have to say!
- Ask questions. Retweet & Favorite tweets you love. Chime in (include #WildYourSmoothie)!
Learn more about the #WildYourSmoothie panelists:

Kara Lydon, RD, LDN, RYT, The Foodie Dietitian, (@karalydonRD) is a nationally recognized nutrition and culinary communications expert and yoga teacher based in Boston. Kara believes that the secret to a holistically happy life is nourishing the mind, body and spirit and she instills this integrative philosophy in the kitchen, yoga studio, working one-on-one with clients, and on her food and healthy living blog, The Foodie Dietitian, and in her anticipated e-book, Nourish Your Namaste: Functional Recipes, Nutrition and Asana to be a Healthy, Happy Yogi (May 2016). Her blog features delicious seasonal vegetarian recipes and simple strategies to bring more yoga and mindfulness into your life, and has been most recently featured on SHAPE, TODAY, Fitness, SELF, The Kitchn, Prevention and Buzzfeed.

The Wild Blueberry Association of North America (WBANA) (@wildbberries) is a trade association of farmers and processors of Wild Blueberries from Maine and Canada, dedicated to bringing the Wild Blueberry health story and unique Wild Advantages to consumers and the trade worldwide.
WBANA is dedicated to furthering research that explores the health potential of Wild Blueberries. Every year since 1997, WBANA has hosted the Health Research Summit in Bar Harbor, a worldwide gathering of dozens of scientists and researchers whose work is leading the way in learning more and more about the health benefits of Wild Blueberries. Hundreds of studies have been conducted on disease and the extensive health benefits of Wild Blueberries.